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    1. Loth ↑


    1. Gomez ↑


    1. Happe ↑


    1. Lower ↑


    1. – Geraldine Dawson ↑


    1. Webb ↑


    1. McPartland ↑


    1. -Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders-4Edition, Text Rivision(DSM_IV_TR) ↑


    1. -Matson ↑


    1. Lovullo ↑


    1. -Saracino ↑


    1. Noseworthy ↑


    1. Steiman ↑


    1. Reisinger ↑


    1. Fombone ↑


    1. -Perlock ↑


    1. Prendville ↑


    1. Unwwin ↑


    1. -Baron Kohen ↑


    1. Wheelwright ↑


    1. -Theory of mind ↑


    1. – Executive function ↑


    1. – Central coherence ↑


    1. – Pellicano ↑


    1. Grice ↑


    1. Wieser ↑


    1. Pavli ↑


    1. Alpers ↑


    1. Muhlberger ↑


    1. Face Processing ↑


    1. Batty ↑


    1. Meaux ↑


    1. Wittemeyer ↑


    1. Roge ↑


    1. Taylor ↑


    1. – joint attention ↑


    1. Miu ↑


    1. Pana ↑


    1. Avram ↑


    1. Robert M Joseph ↑


    1. Ehrman ↑


    1. Mcnally ↑


    1. Keehn ↑


    1. Emotional Processing ↑


    1. Witt ↑


    1. Falck-ytter ↑


    1. Hafsten ↑


    1. Begeer ↑


    1. Koot ↑


    1. Rieffe ↑


    1. Terwogt ↑


    1. Stegge ↑


    1. Kleinhans and et al ↑


    1. – Csibra ↑


    1. -Eye traking ↑


    1. -Grossman ↑


    1. Event-ralated Potential ↑


    1. -Fusiform gyrus ↑


    1. -Hadjikhani ↑


    1. – Dalton ↑


    1. -Human Mirror Neuron System-HMNS ↑


    1. -Dapretto ↑


    1. -Klein ↑


    1. -Piggot ↑


    1. -Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging – FMRI ↑


    1. -Electrophysiological ↑


    1. – Electroencephalogram ↑


    1. Spezio ↑


    1. Adolphs ↑


    1. Hurley ↑


    1. Piven ↑


    1. -Single Subject ↑


    1. -The Social Commuication Questionaire ↑


    1. -Autism Aspectrum Disorder ↑


    1. – Rutter ↑


    1. -Newshaffer ↑


    1. -Sevstiivity ↑


    1. -Specificity ↑


    1. -Schopler ↑


    1. -Reichler ↑


    1. – Renner ↑


    1. -Verhulst ↑


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